Saturday, December 31, 2005

New Year's Resolutions

Now, for the traditional portion of New Year's Eve, here are my resolutions.

1) Learn to better manage my finances (please, I need to stop wasting money on overpriced drinks and shoes)

2) Learn patience. Stop expecting things to happen immediately and accept them coming when they will

3) Send out manuscripts to be published, no matter how many rejection letters I get in the process

4) Bring my kitty to New York

5) Read more

6) Balance excercise and diet- don't overdo it, as I have a tendency to do

7) Cut back on sugar and caffeine ( I think I pick this one every year)

8) Begin an IRA

9) Take the GRE (that's right, just in case)

10) Finish my old scrapbooks so I can begin a new one.


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