Thursday, January 19, 2006

The Half-Assed Sick Day

I just wasn't feeling very well when I woke up this morning. A splitting headache, nasal congestion and just that overall "sick" feeling had me down. So I called intot work and said that I would be coming in, just coming in later. Once my meds kicked in. I got to the office at about 10:30, to find that since I was only the second person in the office, no one had even made any attempt to try and find out why I was an hour and a half late. Even our UPS guy, who I ran into on Mercer Street, had the same idea, asking me what I was doing on my way to work at 10:20 a.m.

So I'm here, attempting to get as much work done as I possibly can before collapsing later on. I have yet to take a full sick day, I'm happy to say, and hope that I"ll be able to make it most of the year without one. In college, I no doubt would have used the opportunity to stay in bed all day and rest, relax, watch a little Sex and the City. But now that I'm being paid to be here, I feel like I should be here every day. Rain, shine, snow, sleet. I've shown up in all of those. Even during the combo wind/rain/snow situations. I feel like New Yorkers are overall a hardier type of urban breed. We'll walk in just about any weather, when most Southerners would have happily hibernated in their living rooms and dens, cleaning their houses or watching movies all day long.

It fascinates me that I've even made it this long without becoming ill. Usually by this time of year I've had at least one or two sinus infections, a stomach flu, and a fever. Maybe all the air and vitamins I'm taking really are paying off. I wonder if that's why New YOrkers are a bit hardier. It's much easier to admit that you're sick when you don't have to get out of bed to do it. Even if I was sick, I'd either have to order in or go out for medicines and food and movies to rent. Walking. on Foot. I guess i spend at least an hour a day out and about, walking from place to place. I'm sure I haven't walked this much ever, except maybe when I was first at Carolina nad didn't want to take the bus or bike somewhere.

It definitely affects how you feel about yourself. What a great thing to be able to walk whereever you need, and eat healthily and not worry about how you look as much because if you're getting that much excercise, chances are you look fine. I still work out at the gym , but it's less of a priority than it used to be because now I'm out and about enough to equal the time spent on a treadmill after driving to the Y. I've never been good at walking just for the sake of it, but walking with purpose is enough to get me moving.

So I got up and walked to work and while I was definitely not Best Dressed today did do okay getting through as much as I could and figuring out what to do about laundry and dinner and the normal things we all worry about.


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