Monday, February 27, 2006

Wind Chill

is a much larger factor in the city than I had ever imagined it would be. I understand cold. Alaska is cold, Antartica is cold, the American settlers were idiots to fall for the "I'll give you land if you move to Minnesota" line. But New York, while it is supposed to be cold is, more than that, WINDY. And there is a big difference. North Carolina can drop into the twenties and teens without a doubt, but rarely does the windchill push it beyond a few degrees. Here it's normal for the temperature to be 32 and the wind chill to be 12. That seems a bit unGodly, doesn't it? Or is it just me and those Southern bones?

I'm beginning to understand splitting the year between LA and New York is a wonderful option for those with the money- i.e. movie stars and Donald Trump. It makes perfect sense because who the heck wants to be here? That makes no sense. I don't want to be here right now. I enjoy cold weather, it's crisp and refreshing and definitely wakes you up, but do NOT enjoy wind chills that push it in to the negative numbers or below. That's just ridiculous. Extraordinarily ridiculous. Today is definitely a day I could use a house in Key West or Southern Cali or even Texas. Seriously. I tried to do the numbers in my head for how much it woudl cost for me to take off the winter months each year and spend them elsewhere and it comes to not good. Unless my first novel is a bestseller. So maybe i should be working on that instead of contributing to internet goo every day.

I wonder how many other people out there started a blog because they were beginning to get bored with their jobs, and one day at work realized that they could share their misery along with good things in their life, with the world. Even as I sit here I imagine thousands of others doing the same thing- pretending theyre working when actually they're typing in their diary. It's like in high school when you would write notes to your friends instead of paying attention in history or whatever. I'm sure that could explain a lot of gpas.

The longer I'm a part of the working world the more I question its validity. Humans are only here for an average of 80 years. That means that you spend more than half your life working, if you begin at 18 and end at 65 or 70. Even after retirement people are still working. My aunt retired from teaching and immediately went to work at a book company. Yes, it's only part time but it's definitely still a job. I'm reluctant to think too hard about it because the thought of this being such an essential part of your existence is kind of awful, when you t hink about it. Unless you're really out there making a difference, what are you doing? We know doctors and lawyers and teachers and clinic workers and personal trainers are making a difference, but what about the rest of us who sit and type or file all day? How are we helping a greater cause?

Maybe I'll start looking into how I am affecting my own lifespan, and understanding greater things can come if I make them happen.


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