Tuesday, March 14, 2006

I'm becoming a theater critic

Never would I have thought I would be attending the theater enough to make educated criticisms of it, but thanks to the hook-up of C, I have been to Broadway more times in the last month than in my whole life combined. No one is really sure how she gets her tickets but she does and they are generally fabulous. Which is why it pays to have a friend who has the connections. Evveryone should include one in their group.

So on Sunday, when she invited me to go see the Broadway debut of a play called "Well", I happily tagged along. We knew that it was a one-act play, but one act should not stretch beyond one hour unless it is highly entertaining. Which this one wasn't. the premise was wonderful- a daughter is trying to perform her play about health and illness while her mother sits in the background, offering sodas and "suggestions" about why she's doing it wrong. It was a good image of a mother daughter relationship. And there were some funny parts. But the whoel thing seemed generally overdone and I felt like I could have done a better job of writing it. Really. And I'm not even doing much writing these days.

But this is what I imagined when I moved to New York. I saw myself taking advantage of every cultural opportunity that came my way. And while I have taken advantage of quite a few of them, it's not going along quite the way i imagined it. I guess this proves that you can be cultured anywhere in the world, or not be anywhere in the world. There are people who have been raised here and never set foot in the Museum of Natural History. Not that I have either. But in my own defense I've only been here a few months. So I guess culture isn't really a reason to live in a particular location. Though there is a huge difference between the Littleton community theater and Broadway.

So I'm sticking with my lifestyle here for the moment, rushing along day by day and being a part of a wonderful place that shows me all kinds of differences just by walking down the street. And brings me back to reality by putting a terrible play on broadway.


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