Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Immigrant Protests

Yesterday immigrants were encouraged not to show up to work, school, or go shopping. To stop whatever they were doing, in order to show President Bush and the rest of the country how important the immigrant population actually was. Ironically, I and my co-workers came to work. We ate lunch (paid for with American money), I went to the gym (again paid for with money) and did everything that I normally do. Ironic, given that I am only a second generation American citizen, and my grandmother was an immigrant. While one half of my family was a part of the original settlers in Virginia and North Carolina in the late 1600s, the rest of my family drifted over on their own.

I wonder how someone can say that they are just going to stop letting people into the country. Do we need to slow down or limit the numbers coming in? Absolutely. But to just put an end to it, to threaten to deport people, some who have been here many years, is absurd. Even if we wanted to we couldn't possibly find every single legal and illegal immigrant located in this vast country. Our government can't even find money it sent somewhere. I would love to see Bush and his hunting buddies go after people.

It really makes you consider what being an American citizen is all about. I understand the concept. I understand that you're supposed to delcare your loyalty and you get a new passport and a social security number, and you sever your relationship with your old country. You literally begin again as a person. I love that concept. That you really transform yourself. Like a butterfly.
Except now those butterflies are getting chased out as quickly as they're trying to come in.

So yesterday the streets were crowded with peole waving flags from other countries and yelling that they deserved rights, too. I agree. They absolutely deserve rights and as much of a chance as we had.


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