Tuesday, April 18, 2006

On the Hunt

Again, I'm not dressed appropriately for the weather. Yesterday I was wearing too little clothing, today, it seems, I am wearing too much. It's supposed to be almost seventy today and I'm in a turtleneck sweater (albeit cotton) with a skirt and knee socks. So I'm burning up without a hope of having time to change today. Ah, the New York Spring. How we patiently wait for consistent anything. It's almost as bad as it is in North Carolina. I may as well be in North Carolina.

And i'm on the hunt for a career change. Or trying to figure out a career change, is maybe a better way of looking at it. There are so many choices and I am just now starting to hunt through them, looking at different options and trying to decide where I best fit in in this place. The most interesting part of New York to me is that while the city has to employ literally millions of people and therefore has plenty of jobs at any given time, it's incredibly hard to find a job that a) fits what you're looking to do and b) pays enough for you to do it. I never fail to be fascinated by how quickly restaurants turn over and people become cab drivers, etc, yet in certain areas it seems dry.

So I'm back at square one, trying to decide, as so many other people in the quarter-century crisis are, what do I do with myself now? Where do I go? I truly feel we have the most opportunity of any prior generation and yet are the least grounded, most likely to wander the earth without knowing where to go or what to do. I know that's me. In my head I'm a hundred things, traveling down a hundred career paths. I'm everything from a pediatric AIDS specialist in Africa to a translator in France. I'm a magazine editor and a vet and a scientist. I write novels and plays while simultaneously discovering a cure for the common cold. I am a Pulitizer prize winning photographer for National Geographic.

Except really I'm still just a kid.


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