Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Boyfriend's Birthday

I'm very proud of myself about Boyfriend's birthday. First of all, I gave him video games, and you really can't go wrong giving a guy video games. Secondly I planned out a simple birthday dinner that really surprised him and he was super psyched about it. We ate at Cosmic Cantina (13th and 3rd Ave). They have happy hour until 8 there and some of hte best sangria in the city. They are also seriously understaffed. there was ONE WAITRESS for the whole restaurant last night! Awful for her!

So then we came home and watched reruns of family guy and I was again too keyed up to sleep and had to get up at 6 this morning for personal training at 7. After this I only have one more session and really hope I can inspire myself to push as hard as I've been pushed by my trainer. He is fabulous! I highly recommend one, even if it's just to show you how to use the weights and correct form and all that good stuff. I feel better than I have in years.

Now all I want to do is crash at home and SLEEP. Instead I've got to pack for another business trip that I'm leaving for on Thursday morning. I'm in Atlanta through next week. This means I will be even more tired by the time I get back. AHHHH! And I'll definitely have no more food. Anything I do have right now will probably be gone by then, courtesy of the boyfriend- he's staying at my apt. while i'm gone to take care of the cat and fish. It' skind of funny in a sad little way.

Then, in a couple of more weeks I'm off again to look at grad schools and figure out where to go with my life. Yikes! Whoever would have thought that after spending FIVE YEARS, count 'em five, in undergrad I would be so eager to get it going again! I mean, who's to say that the work market will be just as bad after a coupleof years of grad school and it will just be more time spent not working?

But that really has nothing to do with Boyfriend's birthday. We were discussing last night how this year was the fourth summer we'vve celebrated birthdays together- beginning with my 21st oh so long ago. I like that. I like our relationship, how well we know each other, how much we geniunely care for one another. I even like that kind of sad feeling I get when something really funny or dramatic happens and he's not there to witness it by my side. When I'm out with friends at a bar and he's not sitting next to me. Even though he's really quiet, he's still a hugepart of my life, and smart and funny and when he says something people listen. That's one of his best qualities.

Now that this is turning into a "suck-up-to-my boyfriend" ramble, I'm going to stop myself.


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10:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:21 AM  

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