Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Sizzle and the City

It's that hot. Today was 105 degrees and it's going to go through the end of the week. I'm not particularly looking forward to seeing what's going to happen if it continues at this rate. Air conditioners are going and I'm mainly scared of a black out. If that happens, I'm taking off work and heading to NC until the power comes back on! No one shoudl have to suffer through this if they don't have to- go to Jersey and fast!

When I was in the dentist's chair yesterday he was discussing all the different beaches around the city. It's a shame that my lazy butt hasn't gotten to a one and Boyfriend and I have been talking about it since Memorial day. Wow. Crazier things have happened, I guess. I'm planning on playing hooky sometime soon however, and heading to a friend's house, with a pool. What's weirder is people's attitude. Cabs are in short supply since you are unable to walk more than a block before being assailed by the heat and have to stop and hail one. Women here are SWEATING, not GLOWING and it's nothing to be ashamed of since everyone else has the same problem. The subways smell terrible at rush hour because all the deodarant in the world isn't going to mask the smell of six million hot and dripping commuters. Mr. Softee is making a killing, as are those guys who sell bottled water for a dollar.

So what is being recommended? Staying inside and drinking a lot of water. And if you don't have a/c you're supposed to go somewhere that does, like Starbucks. Besides, how many New Yorkers can avoid going outside? iT's not like in other places where you simply cross baking parking lots to your car. This is you walk half a mile in this heat to get to your building from the nearest subway. I hope that the city can make it through. Because I can only imagine how murder victims are beginning to smell at this point unless they've been found. Check on your neighbors, people!

Even Lindsay Lohan is supposedly affected by the countrywide heat wave, showing up late or not at all to her current movie production. I'm sure it has nothing to do with her all night partying or inability to do anything without whining about it. But I, for one, am glad she has this horrendous heat to cover for her. I mean, who's going to argue with that, right?


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