Friday, February 03, 2006

Sick Day

I'm not sure if it was something I ate, or straining my back yesterday packing up the show, but I woke up this morning feeling terrible. Literally. My whole body aching, stomach hurting, head blasting, even eyes hurting. I got myself up, ate something because I thought it would make me feel better and got dressed, only to realize there was no way I was getting out of here anytime soon. I haven't hurt this much in a really long time. So now I have taken my first sick day and it's only three days into the month of February. Go figure. But because I'm just a little bit of an overachiever I've decided that as soon as my head is under control I'm doing the Kaplan homework. All of it. Really. Because if I'm wasting a day at home it better be useful here at least. Laundry, cleaning, napping, excercising, everything I can think of to fix how horrible I feel right this second.

I'm even writing, if you're reading this, and wondering what happened to my resolve. I thought, when I took this job that I would do everything in my power to not take a sick day, to always show up on time, and to quit shopping and save some damn money. So far at least a few of those NYC resolutions were going well but have now been overpowered and shot to hell by the shopping and now the sick day. It feels weird to not be at work mid-morning on a Friday. I don't have a boring job. Actually, for the most part I really like my job, but everyone can use a day off. When I was in college, I would take one off at the slightest implication- too sunny, too cloudy, too warm, too cold. THere were always reasons not to go to class. Of course hindsight is 20/20 and I realize that it may not have hurt me to head into class more, and would probably have really helped my GPA. I thought this would change once I was working a forty-hour week and realizng how much harder you have to work in the real world than in most school programs. Maybe not so much using your mind in various ways but in time spent sitting at a desk and in adjusting to a much more inflexible schedule. No wonder so many women elect to be stay-at-home moms once they start a family. Otherwise you're screwed the next time little Johnny needs to leave school in the middle of the afternoon.

So it's really a balancing task to understand where things have to change. I'm still working on adjusting to the different ways "grown-ups" live. Still learning what it's like to go to work, the gym, THEN come home and have to cook and clean and do fun things crammed into a twelve hour period before you have to wake up and do it all again.


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