Wednesday, March 22, 2006

I Have On Three Shirts

and I'm still freezing and thinking about how wonderful it would be if I were still in bed, curled up with my kitty asleep. Instead I'm back in the corporate world and wondering how people spend forty or fifty years doing this same thing every day. No wonder they're so exhausted all the time. Now I understand more than ever why people have high blood pressure and heart attacks. This summer will be the first summer of my life that has not been flexible. Sure, I'll go on vacation with my family, but it won't be the easy trip it has been in the past. I've had to carefully manuever my time around how many days I have left for vacation, how many I've already taken, and what applies. I'll have to purchase a plane ticket and compare prices on that. Then I'll have to be sure and email everyone and their mother to let them know that I'll be out of town for a mere seven or eight days, emergency procedures in the event something in the publicity world goes wrong, and why they won't be able to reach me.

I've found the business world to be extremely dependent. If I call in a sick day I come back to piles of work on my desk and my co-workers saying, panicked, "I didn't know what to do." I wonder if it's the same overseas, where people pack up and often eave the country for a month or so. Do they check in? do the companies they work for fall apart without them? While it's nice to have so many people happily dependent on me, it goes to show that if I leave, no one else can do my job for me. Which is entirely untrue. It's not that it's a difficult job, just a very detail oriented. When it comes down to it, it's simply about getting some pictures in a magazine or newspaper as often as possible.

But I feel paranoid leaving even for the Easter weekend. Because no one can be sure what will happen, what will go wrong along the way. No wonder so many people take their laptops with them to the beach or mountains. They feel an immense pressure to be working even when they are not working.


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