Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Beginning to be Spring?

It has been a beautiful week. I mean a really beautiful week. There is nothing more refreshing than stepping into a spring morning, when the air is cool but you know it's on the way to warming up soon and green is starting to appear in places you least expect it. The sun is coming up earlier and everything seems brighter. I love this time of year. There is something about the changing seasons that I love. It makes me feel like a new person, coming out of the bleakness of a New York winter. It's a sigh of relief, really, a reward for making it through the cold and snow of the winter and late fall.

This really is one of my favorite times of year. I love the way everything smells, that the days are longer, that I can sit in Washington Square Park and read on a quiet Saturday afternoon. I can watch the children who are really benefiting from living in a world of sun and warmth trip and run down the streets of the Village, laughing and screaming. I remember when I was really little coming home from school, getting off the bus, and picking flowers as I walked up the driveway. I loved the feeling of dropping my backpack in the yard and immediately running around, dashing from swing set to yard and back. If only we as adults could capture those feelings of complete happiness at simply being alive.

I'm glad New York is changing for the better. This weekend my parents and my little brother were in town for the weekend to see me. It was pretty but still fairly chilly and they complained about that almost contasntly. Which was when I suggested they head to my apartment that has been like a sauna since late October. But what they got to see of New York is wonderful compared to what I have seen every day i living here.


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