Thursday, June 01, 2006

Surprise Me, Why Don't You?

The Heat here is shocking. Really. It's barely June and I"m already sweating up a storm anytime I step out of my apartment. Lucy now spends most of her days lying on my desk in front of the air conditioning vents, hoping to cool off. I feel bad for her. I feel baad for anyone with a permanent fur coat in this weather. It was really, really cold for so long I nearly forgot that it was going to get warm again and then boom. Here it is. Sweltering. Did I say that already?

So far I'm slowly dealing with the change and trying to look cute under layers of beading rolling down my forehead. I walk in the heat, wondering why I ever wanted it to get to this temperature in the first place. New York is a surprising city if nothing else. Everyday I make a new discovery. Like there is no in-between time here. Everything is very cut and dried. Seriously. It's awful. One day it's in the forties then it shoots up into the eighties with a ridiculous amount of humidity for aplace made entirely of cement. Air Conditioners drip onto the streets and the people walking the streets. People slow down because they have to and a heaviness rests over the whole place. The dogs are panting and children are crying and whining and have red cheeks.

Yesterday I even saw a fight break out between a cabbie and a rider at Sullivan Street. The cabbie was gesturing wildly and screaming and the man was screaming back while swinging A CRUTCH at his head. Seriously. The man had a crutch. Im not even sure why. So we all stopped to watch. Inoticed that no one took out their cell phone to call the cops but we all observed what was going to be pretty bad. Finally it ended with a bunch of F' yous and the cabbie taking off. I blame it on the heat. Riding along in the backseat of a cab with your legs sticking to the vinyl isn't fun for anyone. Really.


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5:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:33 PM  

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