Wednesday, August 23, 2006

And I Heart New York Again

After what seemed years of heat built up into a short time period, I'm happy to say that the weather has become much more pleasant recently. I'm actually enjoying my walk to work and I'm arriving dry, as opposed to dripping with sweat. I'm in a better mood and I feel better even while eating breakfast with the cat. New York can be such a wonderful city when it's pleasant out. People have no idea how much better it is! No one should be allowed to visit during July. If you come here for the first time then you'll find everything on fire, people with nasty attitudes and waiting on subway platforms will be as torturous as hailing angry cabdrivers who will force you to puke. You'll find yourself burnt and tired with no pools anywhere and paying way too much for food in mid-town. I'm dead serious about that.

It's much better to just wait it out and find out hwo wonderful the city is. Fall and spring are definitely my favorite seasons here. I'm really excited about wearing a little more clothing and having the leaves change and everything becoming beautiful. It's a good thought. Really. It's also changed my attitude about working. I'm trying my best to be happy with the choices I've made, to do the best job I can possibly do, and to make a difference up here in case I'm not stayng forever. Too bad I can't afford to buy a place up here yet. If I could, I would do it and just hang on to it while traveling. When I was younger I dreamed about using New York as a home base. This was, of course, when I was positive I was going to be a photographer for National Geographic and would be traveling a lot. I had decided I would be living par time here, and part time in Kenya. Isn't it funny how selfish our dreams are when we're young? I can't imagine ever finding a man who would be willing to do that. Move around all the time, follow me even though I wouldn't be making much money, staying faithful to me while I'm all over the place for who knows how long.

I guess I've grown up some in some regards. I still want to pursue photography and writing and learning, but I feel like i can incorporate it in a much better way. I am who I am, i just like to think I keep adding on to the good parts of who I am. At least I hope so! My worst fear is that one day I'll wake up and realize the path I followed wasn't the best one for me, so I'm trying to avoid that right now by letting my head and heart work together equally as opposed to letting one outweigh the other.


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