Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Boots Debate

There is a weird situation with me and rain. When I get up on what is supposed to be or is a rainy morning, I prep for it by getting dressed in my normal clothes, pulling on a raincoat, then checking outside to see how hard it's raining in order to determine if I need to wear rain boots. But I'm on the courtyard side and for whatever reason, unless it's a monsoon, it NEVER looks like it's raining out there. Its like a completely different world from the courtyard to the street (where it could be pouring and I would never have guessed). When I was young I was staying with my aunt one time and remembered a phenomenon that could only be described as amazing. I was in her backyard, playing, when it started to pour. Turning to go back inside I noted that it was pouring as far as the eye could see. My aunt was in the front yard weeding at the time and I assumed I would meet her inside. When I got inside she wasn't there so I went to the front to find out why. She was in the sun in the front yard, weeding. I ran outside and looked around. It was sunny and dry. I told her about it and she didn't believe me so together we went to the backyard. Lo and behold, almost the instant we hit the grass on that side of the house we were in the pouring rain. This kept up for about half an hour. It was one of the most amazing weather events i have ever seen and definitely one of the strangest. I couldn't believe that we were on the dividing line.

That's kind of the way it is here within my apartment. Inside, in the courtyard, it appears to never rain. Yet outside it pours. It's all very confusing. Without fail, I am always surprised when I step out the first glass door and find it pouring outside. Usually it means turning around, going back upstairs and pulling on boots and grabbing an umbrella, then arriving at work soaking wet anyway. Who knows if I will ever learn my lesson. But I have reason for doing it that way. Because my rainboots are knee length theey're a pain in the butt the whole day.When I was in college I wore those adorable LL Bean duck shoes which worked just fine. I even brought them with me when I moved to New York and wore them to work the first rainy day we had. Which was a major mistake. The minute I stepped off a curb I was up to my knees in water, explaining why people here where galoshes no matter what.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rain boots are fine, as long as they aren't those GOD-AWFUL colorful plastic looking things that the ladies around the city seem to be in love with.... ugh.

9:53 AM  

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