Friday, September 01, 2006

We are Moving Towards Fall

The latest homeless man sleeping around the corner from my office was in a box today. That's how I can tell it's starting to turn towards fall. When the homeless begin being a little more careful about what they sleep on or in. He's new. He began sleeping out there last week and I guess he just became homeless because he was clean-cut and healthy looking. Now it's starting to look like he hasn't showered and that maybe he's been out there a while. But I know the truth. That he's probably just been made homeless.

There are other signs, too. Little things that are going on that you probably wouldn't even notice if you weren't looking for them. Like the pool in the dog run has been turned upside down. And people at the gym are starting to blow dry their hair instead of leaving with it wet. I always feel mixed up this time of year. I love fall, it's one of my favorite seasons. Yet I don't like the idea of shorter days and longer nights. Of freezing on the way out to bars and clubs. Having to use coat checks and watching frosty breath in the air. Putting away dresses nad t-shirts because it's too cold. On the other hand, I feel more alive during the winter. I'm not sure why. Something about the cold air wakes me up, helps me get going. I sleep better and feel better overall.

I wonder what will happen this winter. If I'll survive another New York winter. If I'll be able to deal with below freezing temperatures and heavy coats. I feel ready. Maybe.


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