Wednesday, June 07, 2006

6-6-06. We survived it.

I'm actually surprised at the number of suspicious people on this planet. Yesterday was 6-6-06, but for some reason people disregarded the 0 in there and made it into 666, or the sign of the beast. Which beast, you ask? I'm not sure but he must be damn frightening. Women were determined not to give birth, an inordinate number of people called in sick, and people were in general more aware of bad things happening. Plenty of bad things happen all the time but for some reason yesterday held more clout. I'm actually jealous I didn't make more of an effort to be suspicious so I too could have called in sick and maybe stayed home and watched movies like "the Excorcist" all day or something. I'll have to remember it next time. Part of the hype was due to the remake of the movie "The Omen" with Julia Stiles (thats right, people) and that scary little boy from "The Sixth Sense". I am not really sure who his parents are, but he is the most frightening child I can think of. Really. I ha ve to agree with Julia when she says "Something's wrong with Damien." No child that young should have circles the size of saucers under his eyes. Please, parents, take him somewhere tropical and make him take a nap!

But anyway, back to the sign of the beast. 666. The mark of the devil. There are two locations of this in the book of Revelations (Yes, I read EVERYTHING) "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666 (Rev. 13:16–18, NIV). The other one is located in Rev 13:9, when Jesus calls on man to have the wisdom to be wary of the mark. When Hitler was tatooing the Jews, many people considered him the Anti-Christ and some still believe the Jews are marked to go to Hell (I'm sure it wouldn't surprise you that the majority of these people are fundamentalist). Of course Hitler did not mark them all with 666, but you know how people are- they will stretch and exaggerate until they get what they want out of something.

I looked it up online and found a ton of websites analyzing the 666 symbol. One website claims that when the Anti-Christ comes, Because of Satan’s bitterness and his twisted humor, the Antichrist will bring out a literal 666 number in the years ahead. Revelation speaks to the entire Church Age, but it also speaks truths for that brief time at the end. The Devil will do this to fulfill God’s Word in the final years just before the return of Jesus Christ. The Antichrist and the governments will use 666 to identify the people in the world. This will put fearful pressure on Christians and cause much suffering....

The first beast will control the banking system. The Antichrist will then require anyone using the 666 mark to give allegiance to the world system of government. Satan, who controls the world system, will demand that people reject their relationship with Jesus Christ. This will help set the stage for persecution of the Christian Church.

I liked that. I, too, believe that the Government is a bad institution but if for any reason, then for the reason of having too many fundamentalist and strict conservatives in office. So I always find it ironic when people think that the Anti-Christ will take over (you think they're thinking of Democrats?) The idea being that they will mark people with the number 666 on their right hand (the hand of righteousness) and their forehead. Sounds very dramatic. I guess this way God will know who to let into Heaven and who to turn away at the "pearly gates".

But it seems to have all kinds of meaning. Michael Stifel (1486-1567) interpreted it to mean the Roman Pope (guess he was Protestant). But it's also been interpreted as a symbol for Martin Luther, Kaiser Wilhelm, Adolf Hitler (I think I already mentioned that one) and Nero. Effectively that covers almost every religion that is used in the Western World. Asia is left out, but maybe only because they think the idea of assigning 666 to everything that seems bad is futile. Like we are.


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