Monday, September 18, 2006

Plumm NYC

Saturday night I went to a club for the first time in probably 2 months. It's not really my scene. I mean, I love dancing, but I can't handle dancing until 4 a.m. and then getting up the next morning. Have to say I'm impressed with all my friends who do it. We were supposed to meet at Plumm for DJ Massi at 11 p.m. on Saturday night. I was there on time and they rolled in at 12:30. During thetime I was there alone I had to buy myself a drink (which I hate doing) and deal with various guys hitting on me because they thought i was alone and lonely. There are big differences between the two, by the way. The funny part was that around 12:30 a.m. I went outside to call my friend C and ask her what the heck was taking so long and there they were, fuming because they couldn't get in. So I endedup being the one to get them all in. It turns out that if you're really nice to bouncers and get in there ridiculously early, they'll let whoever's with you in. Thus I had my cool moment of the night.

Inside at this point what had once been empty was now packed with people, promoters and security. There were about 9 of us and as we moved through the crowd I could feel myself getting more and more sweaty and claustrophobic. Which is why I never shower before going out- i know i"ll want to as soon as I get back in! So I'm usually clean but not squeaky and generally start sweating so by two a.m. I'm not the world's most pleasant sight.

Around 1 this guy actually named Luigi started hitting on three of us- one of C's friend is a model so it shoudln't come as that big of a surprise. What was weird was that I had a blow-pop i'd picked up in teh bathroom and took out of my mouth to take a shot. When I did, Luigi actually grabbed it out of my hand and bit off the rest of it. one of the most disgusting things that has happened to me in a long time. If there are any guys out there reading this, IT'S NOT SEXY. DON'T EVEN BOTHER. So we took the shots then I was dragged to the downstairs area to meet someone's promoter. My goal at all times in a club is to 1) NEVER pay the cover charge and 2) Drink for Free or not at all. I stick to those rules and for the most part they work out well. There are always guys willing to buy you drinks.

At 1:30 I was ready to go. I'd been there for more than two hours, danced, drank and was exhausted. So I started the Good-Bye process. Depending on intoxication levels it gets very complicated but essentially it took about twenty minutes. Fortunately Plumm is located right at the corner of 14th and 8th, which also has the subway station with the ACE L lines available. All quality ways to get home. While I normally don't do that- I would usually take a cab, most of my money had gone to the one drink I had at Plumm that I had to buy.


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