Friday, October 13, 2006

I Am Legend

What i like about New York is feeling cool when I have to walk through or around a movie set and can pretend that 1) I see these things all hte time and 2) sigh like they're really annoying (which they are to a certain degree but I have gotten to see Jimmy Fallon up close so it's WORTH IT. The past several weeks a new Will Smith Movie, titled "I am Legend" and based on a book of the same name has been filming all over the city but quite a bit in the downtown area. My guess is it's easier to make the downtown area look dirty and unsafe, since it certainly seems and smells that way a good portion of the time.

They were filming on Mercer St. yesterday when I was walking back from lunch. I had noticed on the way to lunch that there was an exceptional amount of plant matter spread all over the place. I thought it was weird that there was so much of it but whatever, so is Manhattan. When I returned from lunch they were spraying down a variety of cars with dirt to make them look like they were involved in some sort of dirt explosion and there was an awesome table set up on the sidewalk with various types of food nad drink. Naturally however, when i headed that way I was stopped by a very large man with a walkie-talkie who said, "I don't think you're an extra. Are you?" Guess I must have been looking pretty rough, since the premise of the movie is taht Will Smith is the last man on earth, sicne everyone else has been turned into bloodthirsty vampires. It's going to be fantastic, right?

Boyfriend told me that the book is one of his favorites and I was surprised to learn this since usually he treats this kind of thing with scorn. So he was pretty excited and we'll probably track after them this weekend. Anyway, back ot my story. I didnt get to eat any of the cast food, Will Smith was hiding out in a trailer on Spring Street, and i had to get back to work. But I like the thought that in a few months or a year people will get to see where I live and work. I'll definitely go see it. I think it's amazing what these people can do with the wonders of editing and airbrushing.

There is a whole message board sat up on the website to track where they're shooting each day. Literally a ton of NYU students are essentially following the cast and crew all over the city. I'm actually surprised at myself for becoming so used to it so quickly. I remember when I was first here I would stand mesmerized as they shot various parts of the film but I'm not quite that absorbed anymore. I have some other things to do and I know the neighborhood better and understand that it's a popular one. It's amazing to live in the Village, home of some of the most famous Hollywood A-Listers (or second home) and just a fun place to live in general. Did I mention that Philip Seymour Hoffman was at the bar ACROSS THE STREET FROM MY APARTMENT the other day? And that SJP lives only about eight blocks from me? Of course, she has a whole house while I have a room that's probably smaller than her bathroom, but you can't be choosy in a city where a million dollars buys you next to nothing in housing.


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