Thursday, September 21, 2006

Come out and Play Weekend

This weekend is come out and play weekend-
Essentially it's games for grown-ups, like Spy School and Space Invaders and some weird New York ones like Wall Street wannabes. I like the idea that in the midst of our fast paced Manhattan lives we are still seeking the solace of childhood recess. Remember recess? Being let out after lunch and nap (at least in Kindergarten) to run wild for an hour, swing around the tetherball poles, climb up and down the dangerous jungle gyms (at least while I was a kid, everything was made of iron and steel- I'm shocked more children didn't die) and the all inclusive merry-go-round. I remember that was where you wanted to be, hanging out desperately as your forty pound body got swung around faster and faster.

My playground was really fantastic. It was about two acres with plenty of things to do. Since we were a country school we often got to see farm animals that had gotten loose and wandered over, and we even got to play somewhat in the woods (which is where a lot of people had their first kiss, sunlight in between the trees- very romantic). We just had to keep moving. There was only one "fat" girl in my class. You just weren't fat at age 8. Probably because we actually had balanced meals, snacktime and a full hour of being thrown outside unless it was pouring down rain. EVERY DAY.

I feel bad for kids now. They have to deal more with the political side of school. Meaning that a lot of elementary schools only average about 90 minutes of recess or gym time PER WEEK. Can you imagine? No wonder people are becoming fatter. Sure you may think that we're also becoming smarter and that might be true. But in the end it won't matter ifyou're too obese to get out of your house. it makes me think of "What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" when Johnny Depp's character finds out his mother will have to be taken out of her bedroom by crane. They end up burning down their house because they simply can't take the ridicule anymore.

So back to Come Out and Play Weekend. Sure you might be one of those super skinny New Yorkers but even if you are it wouldn't hurt to come out, check out the city this weekend. Maybe they'll give you a Hall Pass as a prize or something.


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