Friday, September 29, 2006

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

It's one of my favorite games from college, and I thought I'd share it because I found out my co-workers didn't realize that anyone can be connected to Kevin Bacon. Well, any major actor. And me, now that I've met Marcia Gay Harden.But anyway, the game is fun and everyone should know how to do it!

1) You must connect the actor WITHIN 6 OR FEWER MOVIES.
2) Obviously it must have Kevin Bacon in it.


ELVIS PRESLEY worked with Edward Asner in Change of Habit (1969)
Edward Asner worked with KEVIN BACON in jFK (1991)

So it gets a Bacon score of 2.
Can be used with or without alcohol. Can be used on long car trips when the driver is getting lost. Can be used when procrastinating homework or at any other time.

:-) Makes me happy!


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