Thursday, November 02, 2006

Apartment Therapy

Last weekend was supposed to be cold and rainy so I picked up a book called Apartment Therapy to deal with it. I thought that maybe by changing around my interior I could somehow also work on my life or something. In a way that was true. I did change some things around in my apartment and it did help significantly. I changed some things around, cleaned out stuff that should have been released long ago, and bought a new showerhead. That's right. A new showerhead. Something small but that would make the apartment more comfortable.

I think i've been nomadic for so long I'm always scared to do a lot of work in a place I'm renting. You never know how long you're going to be there, and you don't want to sink a lot of money into somewhere you'll only be for a couple of years. A lot of places also don't allow change, like painting or redecorating or knocking down things. I moved around a lot through college, rarely staying in one place longer than a year, and I always hated that feeling of packing up and moving again. A lot of the times i moved not by choice, if you get my drift.

Slowly I'm starting to desire a homebase. Somewhere that I can spend a long time trying to fix up and make liveable. Somewhere I can always go. I need a homebase. I'm at an age where my parents house just can't do that for me any longer, and actually often makes it worse because I realize that I need somewhere to call my own. Of course you can try to do that with the space you're in and I definitely do that. When you live in a city like New York it's really important to have somewhere to escape to, and that's part of it. That's part of the reason why New Yorkers are always so obsessed with real estate. Because no matter how much you love this place, you also love escaping to somewhere safe and cozy. If that were not the case, people wouldn't have country homes in Westchester or Connecticutt!

What was great about this book is that it is laid out in a really easy format, has awesome suggestions for other books to read
and is done in a way that just about everyone can do it and without putting that much money into it. It has different graphs for setting up various areas of your home and speaks a lot about letting things go that don't fully complement your life, that don't really improve how you feel about yourself and your life.

I guess the point of this is that I am slowly getting over the nomadic thing. I might be moving around for years and years and years. who knows where I'll land next? But while I'm doing that, I'm going to try and make every home as comfortable as I can.


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